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News item: Maintenance

From Thursday July 9th until Monday July 13th yife will undergo some maintenance. This will influence the control panel, and the registration section. Both won't be available!

At the end of this week some maintenance is planned on the yife servers. This inevitably implies some functionality has to be cut during this maintenance.

During the transfer the database will get in readonly-mode: this means you will still be able to visit the website, and use you own startpage. The registration procedure and the controlpanel on the other hand won't be available while maintenance is going on.

The maintenance is planned from Thursday July 9th on, and will pretty sure be completed on Monday July 13th. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience this will create.

If you would like to contact us about this planned maintenance, please use our contact form.

06-07-2009 17:30, © The Yife team

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