Yife your internet favorites everywhere

News item: Some figures

Yife is doing quite well: some time ago we welcomed our 100th user, and even the number of active links is growing everyday: we already passed the 5,000 mark! Time for some figures then.

Since Yife was launched, back in 2006, the number of users and links grew steadily. At first we had some family and friends, later on some colleagues joined in, and now more and more other people are using Yife too.

The 102 users Yife counts at this moment are all real users, false registrations and bots get banned automically. From those 102 users, 14 use Yife frequently, at least once a month.

At this moment our members have activated more than 5,000 links, and they get clicked about a thousand times a month!

Now, we find this to be quite impressive figures for a small site like Yife, so we definitely like to thank all our users, and welcome all new users interested in our service! Please feel free to join in!

19-05-2009 11:16, © The Yife Team

Yife's news archive:


154 active users
33995 active links


Belgium: www.yife.be Nederlands International: www.yife.eu English